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A Certain Man

There was a certain man.
He offered an outcast—a shunned, shamed woman—a new life.

The heartrending tale of Mara and Samuel are interwoven with their desperate love story. Before either meets Yeshua the Nazarene face to face. Before He sets the political, religious, and spiritual landscape on fire. And before either Mara or Samuel are immortalized in the gospels.

Hello, I’m Linda!

Linda Dindzans, M.D. writes with the heart of a healer. She believes there is nothing new under the sun. Her characters’ struggles offer hope and redemption to the hearts of readers today.

  • from theBlog

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  • Reasons to Start the day at Sundown
    Sunrise is an energetic time for me. More lark than owl and more Martha than... Read More
  • Photography is Cross Training
    Photography is Cross Training For me, photography is Cross training for writing and for my... Read More
  • Thoughts on Intimacy with God and Abiding
    By Linda Dindzans @lindadindzans Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow... Read More